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Catalonian National Art Museum
Montjuļc Hill, Barcelona, Spain 

Museum Official Website

2015 photos - Exterior

2009 photos - Art Collection:

11th-13th c. - Romanesque Art

1490 - Vincenzo Frediani, Mare de Deu amb Nen Jesus entre sant Pere i Sant Pau

1500 - Joan Gasco, David

1500-1510 -  Mestre De Castelsardo, Sant Vincenē a les graelles

1500-1520 -  Mestre de Frankfurt, Triptic amb el Baptisme de Crist, l'arcangel sant Miquel i la impressio de les llagues de sant Francesc

1515-1519  -  Mestre De Sixena, Jesus entre els doctors de la Llei

1530-1535 - Caixa de nuvia amb l'Anunciacio

1595-1600 - Domenikos Theotokopoulos, Dit 'El Greco,' Sant pere i sant Pau

1632 - Francisco de Zubaran, Immaculada Concepcio

1664 - Francisco de Solis, Anunciacio

1764  - A. J. Defehrt, Mascara Relal: Comitiva de Mercuri 

1525-1550 - Seguidor de Diego de Siloe, Mare de Deu amb el Nen 

1876 - Auguste Rodin, L'edat de bronze

The Catalonian National Art Museum is regarded as the best Art Museum in Barcelona. It houses an enormous collection of Medieval Art stemming from the Romanesque and Gothic periods. Many of the frescos were collected from the Roman churches of the surrounding villages.

Frescos and paintings are complemented with sculptures, wood carvings and other pieces collected from the churches at the time.

It is housed in the Palau Nacional, built for the 1929 Barcelona International  Exposition.

The nearby reconstructed German Pavilion, designed by Mies van der Rohe, was also built for the 1929 Barcelona International  Exposition.

Photos and their arrangement © 2015 Chuck LaChiusa
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