Illustrated Architecture Dictionary
The circular or multangular termination of a church sanctuary, first applied to a Roman basilica.Latin: "apse" - an arch
Early Christian churches used Classical Roman basilicas, which usually had apses, as models for design
Traditionally, the apse (where the altar is located) is at the east end of a church
The apse is a Continental feature, and contrasts with the square termination of English Gothic churches
Found in derivatives of Classical Greek and Roman architecture, including Beaux Arts Classicism, , ..... Classical Revival, , ..... Federal, Georgian Revival, , ..... Greek Revival, , ..... Neoclassicism, , ..... Renaissance Revival, , ..... Second Empire; also, on Gothic and, ..... Gothic Revival
See also: Vocabulary - Churches
Examples from Buffalo architecture
- Illustration above: St. John the Baptist RC Church: Exterior
- Trinity Episcopal Church Interior. See Chancel windows
- Holy Angels RC Church Interior
- St. Louis RC Church Exterior
- St. Louis RC Church Interior
- Blessed Trinity RC Church Exterior
- St. Francis Xavier RC Church Exterior
- St. Casimir RC Church Exterior
- St. Frances de Sales RC Church Exterior
- Corpus Christi RC Church Exterior
Other Examples: