Bricks - Table
of Contents ..............Illustrated
Architecture Dictionary
Bullnose brick
Rounded brick
A bullnose is a shaping pattern applied usually to the header edge of a brick or paver. It is basically a brick or paver with a rounded off edge.
Bullnose brick is a style of brick that has one, some or all of its corners rounded off. These bricks can be used to create soft and attractive curved edges to steps, sills, or in capping walls.
A double bullnose means this has been applied to two edges to form a totally rounded off header.
Special brick shapes: Bullnose, Ogee, Cove, Splay, Sill and Step Brick.
Special Shapes have a large variety of uses on all building projects. Typical uses are water tables on wall and columns, step treads and wall caps. Other uses are sill under windows, column caps, details around recessed panels and doors.
Examples from Buffalo:
- Illustration above: Webb Building
- 176 North Pearl