Illustrated Architecture Dictionary
koinz, kwoinz
Also called Coin
The dressed stones at the corners of buildings
Usually laid so their faces are alternately large and small
In the Renaissance, the quoins were rusticated (as are the quoins in the above illustration)
French: "coin" = cornerFound on corners of buildings, doors, windows.
A feature of Gibbs surrounds
Found in Renaissance, Federal, Georgian Revival, Italianate, Italian Renaissance Revival, Colonial Revival, Beaux Arts Classical, Second Empire, styles
Examples from Buffalo architecture:
- Illustration above: Sternberg House / The Mansion on Delaware Avenue
- Williams-Pratt House
- 1719 Main Street
- Coatsworth House
- Hotel Touraine
- Williams-Butler House
- Brick quoins - Charles W. Goodyear House
- 40 North St.
- John W. Cowper House
- George K. Birge House
- Terra cotta quoins - J. Lyth & Sons Illustrated Catalogue and Price List
Other examples: