Illustrated Architecture Dictionary
The process of repairing or renovating a building, work of art, etc., so as to restore it to its original condition or to a particular time - "the period of significance"
Reconstruction - Reproduction of the exact form and detail of a vanished building, structure, or part thereof, as it appeared at a particilar time.
Rehabilitation - Repair or alteration that enables buildings, structures or improvements to be efficiently utilized while preserving those features of buildings, structures or improvements that are significant to their historic, architectural and cultural values.
Adaptive reuse - Conversion of a building originally designed for a certain purpose to a different purposeSee also:
Buffalo's Historic ("Old") Buildings: The Bottom Line
Examples from Buffalo:
- Restoration - Illustrations above:
- Restoration - Graycliff Being restored to its 1927 appearance
- Restoration - Martin House Complex Being restored to its 1907 appearance
- Restoration - Ansley Wilcox Mansion / Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site Being restored to its 1901 appearance
- Reconstruction - Darwin D. Martin House Complex - Pergola / Conservatory / Carriage House
- Reconstruction - Ansley Wilcox Mansion / Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site - Carriage House Demolished carriage house is being reconstructed in 2008. Official website.
- Rehabilitation - Shea's Buffalo Professional and volunteer rehabilitation over a decade
- Adaptive reuse - Webb Building Factory adaptively reused for nursery and apartments
- Adaptive reuse - Sternberg House / The Mansion on Delaware Avenue Residence adaptively reused for hotel
- Adaptive reuse - Old Post Office / Erie Community College Post office adaptively reused for community college
- Adaptive reuse - Asbury Delaware Avenue Methodist Church / Babeville Church adaptively reused for multipurpose facility, including concert space
- Adaptive reuse - Elk Market Truck Terminal / Lofts @ Elk Terminal Truck Terminal adaptively reused for loft apartments
- Adaptive reuse - Hoyt House/ ZeptoMetrix Building House adaptively reused for offices
- Adaptive reuse - Richardson Olmsted Complex