Illustrated Architecture Dictionary
Round pediment
Also called a segmental pediment
A rounded pediment
Pediment: A triangular gable across a portico, door or window; any similar triangular decorative piece over a doorway, fireplace, etc.
Found in classical Greek and Roman architecture and derivatives, including Beaux Arts Classicism, Classical Revival, Federal, Georgian Revival, Greek Revival, Neoclassicism, Renaissance Revival, Second Empire
See also: Segmental arch
See also: Triangular pediment ... Broken pediment ... Swan's neck pediment
Examples from Buffalo architecture
- Illustration above: 70 Niagara Street
- Charles W. Goodyear House
- UB Service Center, 220 Winspear Ave.
- Campanile Apartments
- Red Jacket Apts.
- Mayflower Apts.
- General Electric Tower / Niagara Mohawk Building
- Furniture: Mirror, Horace Reed House
Other examples: