Illustrated Architecture Dictionary ................. Illustrated FURNITURE Glossary
Also called rollwork
Decoration formed by folded, crossed, and sometimes interlaced thin strip - suggestive of leather straps - either applied (usually glued) or carved in wood, stone, or plaster.
Interlaced bands of relief ornamentation.
Consists of interlaced scrollwork, braiding, shield forms, or cross-hatching, often pierced with circular or oval holes.
Strap: A long, narrow strip of pliant material such as leather.
Strapwork is frequently found in grotesques, but does not include fantastical creatures or garlands
Origin: arabesques of Arabs and the Moors in Spain.
Popular in England in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in screens and on ceilings, panels, and cornices. Found often in Elizabethan (1158-1603) and Jacobean (1603-1660 or 1668) buildings.
Term is sometimes used to describe the geometric design in Celtic crosses
Formal gardens also incorporated strapwork design.
FurnitureAn interlaced pattern which resembles a crisscross folded or plaited design which might be created from strips of leather.
Imported from Antwerp into England in the late 1560s; thence, Elizabethan and Jacobean carved -wood decorated panels with ribbon-like bands in repeating and interlacing designs consisting of scrolls, arabesques, and lozenge shapes.
In the Chippendale period, flat and sometimes elaborately carved strapwork was used for the splats of chairs.
Examples from Buffalo:
- Right illustration above: Celtic cross - Larkin Monument, Forest Lawn Cemetery
- Right illustration above: Fireplace - Buffalo Seminary
- Photo: Tympanum - 178 Summer St.
- Overmantel - Richmond-Lockwood House
- Fireplace - Spencer Kellogg Jr. House
- Parapet - Ethel Mann Curtiss House
- Panel - Saturn Club
- Jacobean ceiling - Wicks House
- Wrought iron door ornamentation - Silverthorne House
- Panel - Silverthorne House
- Sattler Theatre
- Woodwork - Silverthorne House, 877 Delaware Avenue
- Mantelpiece ornamentation - Lockwood House, 844 Delaware Avenue
- Furniture: Tudor Revival breakfront cupboard - Saturn Club
- Furniture: Kittinger Co. reproduction Chippendale side chair - Kittinger Co. showroom
Other examples:
- Furniture: Ladder-back chair - Fairmount Park Woodford House, Philadelphia
- Furniture: Chippendale Rococo side chair - Dewitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum
- Furniture: Queen Anne side chair - George Wythe House, Williamsburg, Va.