Louis Sullivan - Table of Contents
Guaranty / Prudential
Church Street, Buffalo, New York
Building Owner's Home Page - Hodgson
Russ, LLP
On Buffalo as an Architectural Museum website:
15 Postcards Patrick Mahoney collection
Irene E. Ayad, Guaranty Building
Olaf William Shelgren Jr., John D. Randall, and Jason Aronoff, The Prudential Building A 1977 reprint with photos of the 1970s "modernizing"Craig Woodward and Harry Meyer, The Original Guaranty Building Elevators
Photo: Clement Brick Museum Guaranty Building branded brick
Photo & Text: Guaranty Building's elevators and stairway (Olenick & Reisem)"Rich Buffalo Man Shot by His Wife" 1903 New York Times article
HABS - Louis Sullivan Buildings List
Watercolor By Carol Case Siracuse
The Guaranty Office Building (Buffalo) and The Carson Pirie Scott Department Store (Chicago)
The Guaranty Office Building (Buffalo) and The Auditorium Building (Chicago)On other websites:
HABS - Prudential Building. 16 photos; 10 data pages (online Sept. 2015)A Digital Archive of American Architecture - Louis Sullivan - 9 photos of the Guaranty Building (online Sept. 2015)
YouTube: Louis Sullivan: the Struggle for American Architecture ..... Trailer (online Sept. 2015)