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Richardson Olmsted Campus
Former names: Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane / Buffalo State Hospital / Richardson Olmsted Complex
400 Forest Avenue, Buffalo, NY

Richardson Olmsted Campus - Official Website

Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane - National Register of Historic Places Nomination

On Buffalo Architecture and History website:


Historic photos

Lipsey Architecture Center Buffalo

Francis R. Kowsky, A Towering Masterpiece: H. H. Richardson's Buffalo State Hospital

Hannah Beckman, Buffalo Insane Asylum

Corey Fabian Borenstein, The Distinctive Sandstone of the Richardson Olmsted Campus

Lalli & Rote, Buffalo Psychiatric Center

H. H. Richardson's John Jacob Glessner House and Buffalo State Hospital Administration Building: A Comparison


Exterior photos:

Richardson Hotel:

2014-2016 - Adaptive Reuse photos

 enLIGHTen at Richardson Olmsted Campus   July 28, 2017 light show and Buffalo Philharmonic

Jim Hodges, "Look and See"   Sculpture 

On other websites:

Library of Congress, Buffalo State Hospital Photos and data  (online July 2024)

Richardson Olmsted Campus, History and Timeline (online July 2024)

Richardson Olmsted Complex (online July 2024)

The Richardson Olmsted Campus currently consists of a 100 acre site bordered by Forest Avenue to the south, Rees Street to the west, Rockwell Road to the north and Elmwood Avenue to the east, containing 38 buildings, parking lots, driveways and remnants of the historic landscape.

The complex as originally designed in 1872, began as a 203 acre site for the Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane.

In 1974, the last patients moved out of the historic buildings into the neighboring modern Strozzi Building.

In 2006, the nonprofit Richardson Center Corporation was created.

In 2011, a Master Plan resulted in the reuse of the Tower Building and two flanking buildings as a hotel, restaurant,and architectural center.

In 2022, the
Richardson Center Corporation partnered with Douglas Development to relaunch the hotel and conference center as the Richardson Hotel 

For additional information, see 
Richardson Olmsted Campus History and Timeline (online July 2024).

Photos and their arrangement © 2006 Chuck LaChiusa
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