The remains of the following are in the Forest Lawn
Vars Mausoleum:
Harry Thorp Vars, Feb. 24, 1926
Carlton J. Balliett, Jr., May 29, 1946
Bertha W. Barker, June 21, 1952
Rose Waltho Brown, May 11, 1953
Gertrude Waltho Vars, Dec. 4, 1954
Evelyn Waltho Balliett, Sept. 24, 1957
Estelle Noell Reavis, Sept. 20, 1962
Mary G. Vars (no death date listed)
Addison Foster Vars, Nov. 11, 1968
Addison F. Vars, Jr., Apr. 13, 1973
Aline Vars, June 30, 1990
(Special thanks to the Forest Lawn staff for supplying this

Tuscan column .... Neoclassical 8-line panel motif on door