
Building Manager Dino Zielinski is responsible for the maintenance of the solar energy panels

Current science and technology developments, like global warming, recycling, and renewable energyare highlighted in exhibits, although the form of exhibits is changing. For example, an "exhibit" of solar-powered energy can, with advance notice, be viewed on the roof of the museum. In 2000, fifty-six solar panels were the basis for a solar demonstration project, the eighteenth such project in New York State. The panels help to both educate the public about solar energy and functionally reduce electricity costs for the museum. The rooftop unit, measuring 24 feet by 60 feet, uses the panels to produce six kilowatts of electricity a year, the equivalent enough power for three private homes.

Also on the roof is the Kellogg Observatory (green dome) , which, although it needs some repair, is available for special events.

