Eliel and Eero Saarinen - Table of Contents
Kleinhans Music Hall
Symphony Circle, Buffalo, NY
Rental Information: (716) 883-3560
Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Official Home Page
Photos- Exterior
Photos - Lobby
Photos - Auditorium
Photos - Mary Seaton Room / Lounge / Ladies' Lounge
Christopher Nicholas Brown, Kleinhans Music Hall History
Carter, Kleinhans
Furniture History
Forest Lawn, Edward and Mary Seaton Kleinhans - One of the Many Love Stories of Forest Lawn
M. Fox, Buffalo Celebrates Fifty Years
of Kleinhans Music Hall and the Saarinens
Denise Gail Prince, Kleinhans Music Hall: A Study in Modern Sound Master's thesis
Denise Gail Prince, A Very Brief History of the Recent Acoustics of Kleinhans Music Hall
Rybczynski, Revisiting
Kleinhans Music Hall
Eliel Saarinen, Kleinhans Music Hall: The Design
Adrian Sheppard, The Return of Expressionism and
the Architecture of Luigi Morett Excerpt
on Eero Saarinen
Photo: Avery House from 1905
Buffalo of Today: Domestic and Industrial
Christopher Nicholas Brown, Historic Plymouth
Avenue in the Kleinhans Neighborhood: Kelinhans Music hall
Eliel and Eero Saarinen Chronology
"Verdi" statue
Lalli & Rote, Kleinhans Music Hall