City, State and Federal Seals in Buffalo
Buffalo NY
Difference between "Seal" and "Logo"
The seal indicates something about your founding values, your authenticity, and perhaps the prestige or officialness of your organization. It’s often a signal of authenticity, and may have been designed at a time when visual communications were very different. Seals were literally made of wax and clay and were meant to reflect the validity of documents and organizations.
But as design and communications needs evolved, as well as the way organizations promoted themselves (think engraving a logo into a piece of handmade furniture in 1920 vs. advertising a furniture company on television in 1965), the logo began to emerge as a way to signal not the authenticity of an organization, but what it aspires to be.
Appropriate uses for your seal might be anything that reinforces your legacy or longevity. ... The seal is a connection to your organization’s past, so using it strategically will preserve its prestige.
- Mission Minded (online May 2021)
To the left center, lighthouse on pier ... To the right of the lighthouse, ship with three masts showing sails ... To the lower right, canal boat drawn by two (2) draft animals proceeding in direction leading toward or past pier ... The above, all, surrounded by a double circle and between said circles appearing the words ‘SEAL OF THE CITY OF BUFFALO.’
City Seal:
City Hall
Engine 36 Firehouse
NY State Office Building
Civil War Monument
Kensington High School / Olmsted School
Buffalo General Hospital - East Wing
Police Station #8 / Chua Tu Hieu Buddhist Cultural Center
BuffSci Mural
Designer: Louis Greenstein
History: Wikipedia: Seal of Buffalo, New York (online May 2021)
New York State motto: Excelsior, Latin for Ever Upward.
The center shield displays a masted ship and a sloop on the Hudson River (symbols of inland and foreign commerce), bordered by a grassy shore and a mountain range in the background with the sun rising behind it. ... Liberty and Justice support the shield and an American eagle spreads its wings above on a world globe. ... Liberty's left foot treads on a crown (a symbol of freedom from the Kingdom of Great Britain). ... Justice is blindfolded and holds a sword in one hand and a scale in the other, symbolizing impartiality and fairness.
State Seal:
Buffalo NY State Office Building
City Court Building
Rockwell Hall
Bald eagle with its wings displayed … 13 arrows in left talon, (referring to the 13 original states) … Olive branch in its right talon depicted with 13 leaves and 13 olives, again representing the 13 original states … Eagle with head turned towards the olive branch, on its right side, said to symbolize a preference for peace… Scroll with the motto E pluribus unum ("Out of Many, One")… A "glory" with 13 mullets (stars) on a blue field forming a six-pointed star
Federal seal:
U.S. Courthouse Building
City of Buffalo Police and Fire Headquarters