Architecture Around the World

Casa di Dante
Via Santa Margherita 1 (at Via Dante Alighieri)
Florence, Italy

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) lived in Florence until he was banished for political reasons in 1302, never to return.

During his exile, Dante wrote
The Divine Comedy, his mythical journey through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. The epic poem is filled with Dante's contemporaries, in addition to mythological creatures and religious figures.

Casa di Dante, a small museum, set in a palazzo once owned by the Alighieri family, contains a sparse assemblage of portraits and first editions. The surrounding streets - pictured below after the the first four photos of the city wall - are well preserved from Dante's time. They include

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Remains of the city wall - crucial for defense before the invention of gunpowder

Remains of the city wall


Note battlement

"I was born and raised a Florentine on the green and lovely banks of Arno's waters." Translated by John Ciardi.

Typical narrow street during the Middle Ages

Some of the tie rods that extend through the house


Casa di Dante

Casa di Dante: well for water

Casa di Dante - bust of Dante

Casa di Dante

Casa di Dante

Tie rods







Photos and their arrangement © 2002 Chuck LaChiusa
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