Theatre Historic District - Nomination as a Local Historic District          Buffalo Landmarks and Historic Districts - Table of Contents..

Theatre District Signage

Theatre Historic District
Buffalo, New York

Click on illustration for larger size

This district includes all properties

  • on the east side of Pearl Street from Chippewa to Edward Street and Main,

  • then across Main Street to include the former Courier-Express property (now the Chancery for the Catholic Diocese of Western New York) and

  • the properties on the south side of Goodell from Main to Washington,

  • the properties on the west side of Washington from Goodell to Chippewa, and

  • the properties on the north side of Chippewa back to Pearl.

  • The district also takes in all properties on both sides of Main Street from Chippewa to Goodell

Street Address - Even Address - Odd
Chippewa Street, East
Chippewa Street, West
Goodell Street

Main Street
Pearl Street
Tupper Street, East

Tupper Street, West
Washington Street





A Designated Local Preservation District, approved November 15, 1983, Common Council Proceedings Item No. 198. The Theatre Historic Preservation District has also been identified as eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places by the State Historic Preservation Office of New York..

All exterior construction, reconstruction, demolition, or redevelopment work to be performed on any structure or site within the Allentown Historic Preservation District must be undertaken in conformance with the Preservation Standards and Project Review Procedures, as defined in Chapter 337 of the Charter and Ordinance of the City of Buffalo, New York, as administered by the City of Buffalo Preservation Board.

Buffalo Historic Districts, in general:


Special thanks to the City of Buffalo Preservation Board for their assistance.
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