Niagara Square - Table of
Architects' and
Builders' Exhibits,
Inc. / Niagara Square Professional Building
One Niagara Square, Buffalo,
1965 - Third floor additionArchitects:
1920s Edward B. Green and Son and Albert Hopkins (Baynes-Tashberg were the heating and plumbing contractors)
1965 Robert Traynham ColesStyle:
Second Renaissance Revival
Designed by E. B. Green and Son and Albert Hopkins for their second floor offices next door to the Buffalo Athletic Club (building on right of the first photo) which they also designed.
First floor was occupied by William H. Lyon, Buffalo's leading men's tailor.
1924 photo ... Photo reprinted from "A Selection of Photographs Illustrating Work of Edw. B. Green & Sons, Architects, One Niagara Square, Buffalo." Pub. Buffalo, 1924 .... Photo courtesy of Dr. Joseph Bieron
Third floor is modern addition, stone faced with a band of single light windows
First floor has four bays with round arched transoms ... Second floor has plain cornice ... Third floor is modern addition, stone faced with a band of single light windows
Round arched transom
Capitals on pilasters
Front wood paneled door on right has dentiled cornice above with carved stone blocks in frieze
Bead-and-reel balustrade on balconet
Dentiled cornice above carved stone blocks in frieze