Illustrated Architecture Dictionary
MEW tul
Pathenon, Athens, Greece
Ethel Mann Curtiss House A flat block projecting under a Doric cornice, usually decorated on the underside with rows of six drops (guttae) each; occurs over each triglyph and metope of the frieze
Derived from the ends of wooden rafters in early Greek templesMutules are the equivalent of the modillions of the Corinthian order
Found in classical Greek and Roman architecture and derivatives, including Beaux Arts Classicism, Federal, Georgian Revival, Greek Revival, Neoclassicism, Renaissance Revival, Second Empire
Examples from Buffalo architecture
- Right llustration above: Ethel Mann Curtiss House
- Buffalo & Erie County Historical Society Museum
- Buffalo & Erie County Historical Society Museum - Example #2
- 133 Lexington Avenue
- 25 Lexington Avenue
- Forest Lawn Cemetery Administration Building
- Harlow C. Curtiss House / International Institute
Other examples: